Summer is Coming!
Everyone who knows me knows how much I hate the heat and humidity. Summer is torture for me, and I start counting down to October soon. We don’t have central air, just those window A/C units, and they’re not enough since the seasons have become warmer with climate change. This year, however, the first summer ever (and I do mean ever; I hated summer as a kid too) I am looking forward to one thing…
Summer fruit! 🙂
As for writing, I’ve started a new series. I’ll talk about it more as I get closer to publishing. It has mystery elements, but it’s not a cozy. I will be starting the ninth Gianna book later this summer, and book 8 releases on July 26th. Things are going well on that count.
My Kindle Vella serial, My So-Called Luck, has ended and will be turned into a standalone book later. I don’t have dates for anything other than book 8 at this time, but I’ll let you know as soon as I do.
Hope you have a fabulous summer. I’ll be over here eating blueberries and watermelon and counting down to seeing pumpkins. 🙂
Happy reading!
xoxo, Jenn